| 1. | Office machines - vocabulary - part 07 : postal franking machines 办公机器.词汇.第7部分:邮戳机 |
| 2. | Reset private franking machines at counters within 15 minutes 柜位调校私用邮资盖印机的工作于15分钟内完成 |
| 3. | Office machines - minimum information to be included in specification sheets - part 3 : postal franking machines 办公机器.规范图表中含有的最少信息.第3部分:邮戳机 |
| 4. | Systems of continued processing of mail and data processing documents ; franking machines ; concepts and classification 邮件和数据处理文件的连续加工系统.第1部分:盖邮戳机 |
| 5. | System of continued processing of mail and data processing documents ; franking machines ; minimum informations to be specified 邮件和数据处理文件的连续加工系统.第2部分:盖邮戳机 |
| 6. | Mail processing machines . specification for minimum information to be included in specification sheets of postal franking machines 邮件处理机械.第4部分:邮资盖销机技术规格应包含的最低信息规范 |
| 7. | A series of new exhibits on franking machines and envelopes with franker labels will also be displayed at the " history corner " 此外,多台邮资盖印机和贴有邮资盖印机标签的实寄封亦会在历史阁展出。 |